SyntaxHighlighter Evolved

I just installed the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin on WordPress. It lets me place code inside posts in many different languages like the examples below.

echo "Josh is cool"; //that’s me!

function joshiscool() {
return "Josh is Cool";

echo joshiscool();

[shell light=”true”]

sudo apt-get install apache2


Available languages are:

  • Bash
  • C#
  • C++
  • CSS
  • Delphi
  • Diff
  • Groovy
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Plain Text
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Scala
  • SQL
  • Visual Basic
  • XML

Twitterfeed + + Facebook

I just setup another twitterfeed of the blog to get posted to under “blogs” to It will go to my site as well as a few other things, but what I really wanted to set it up for was Facebook. I turned off for facebook last week, but I still want new blog posts to update the status there. So hopefully this ends up working.

Website Updates

I decided it was time to fix some stuff that’s been bugging me for awhile today and check some stuff off the list. So here’s some of the stuff I checked off:

  • Added a plugin to support mobile devices (iphone, ipod touch, g1, etc.)
  • Got an actual twitter badge instead of using the RSS feed. It doesn’t work in safari though. Hopefully it’s just Safari 4 Beta.
  • Cleaned up the blogroll. Sorry if I got rid of your name. The list was getting too long.
  • Organized the tags on the archives page by size
  • Added an about section to the sidebar on and updated the About page on that site

That’s about all. There were a few things that were even smaller.

Update: One more thing worth mentioning was the contact page. I put a new email address on the contact page for another way to get in touch with me.

Update 2: I also added a plugin that looks for tweets with links to the site and puts them in the comments. I had to add my name to the black list on that one because it was getting the tinyurl links from the automatic tweets I have on a new post.