Category: Uncategorized

If you’re a software engineer, you should check out How Git Works by Julia Evans. I purchased it last week, but only paged through so far. And then I was looking at a Mastodon thread and Julia blew my mind with git log -S: find every commit that added or removed some text. Of course […] #
My only New Year’s resolution is to practice mindfulness every day. I have been a long-time subscriber to Headspace, but have had trouble making it a consistent habit. 🤞 #
Tips for Text-based Interviews
ALMS at Road America, 2013
Why I like DST
Ethiopian kids hack OLPCs in 5 months
The Official James Bond site is on WordPress
Pandora and Artist Payments
WordPress Plugin Troubleshooting Flowchart
StarStar Me
The Smartphone in Entertainment Weekly
Laser Pointer
Speaking for Yourself
Wrecking Ball Heart: One last song from JM
Dear Jack
The Dream Internship: Automattic VIP Team
Photoshop CS6 Improvements
Facebook Hackathon Articles
New Year’s Resolutions 2012
Facebook Hackathon