Since WordPress 5.5, WordPress has started enabling lazy loading on images. This was dramatically improved in WordPress 6.3.

At the same time, the default value of wp_omit_loading_attr_threshold changed from 1 to 3, meaning the first 3 images will not be lazy loaded, and in fact will have fetchpriority=high. This makes sense for a typical homepage or the first blog post, but less so for the 2nd or 3rd blog post on a page.

I wrote a filter to force enable lazy loading after the first blog post. This ensures that even if the first image is farther down the page, it will not have fetchpriority=high.

// Lazy load all images after the first post
add_filter('wp_get_loading_optimization_attributes', function ($attrs, $tag, $attr, $context) {
	if (is_admin() || !is_main_query()) {
		return $attrs;

	if ($tag !== 'img') {
		return $attrs;

	global $wp_query;
	if ($wp_query->posts[0]->ID === get_the_ID()) {
		return $attrs;

	$attrs['loading'] = 'lazy';
	$attrs['fetchpriority'] = null;
	return $attrs;
}, 10, 4);