I just purchased the Xbox 360 Universal Media Remote to make it easier to watch my podcasts on the TV without needing the TV remote AND the Xbox controller. It also makes it much easier to control the show while I’m watching it.
It’s really nice because now I have one remote that I can use all the time and not worry about where the Xbox controller is.
I’d also like to note that the TV code for the Samsung TXM1967 is 0085. I looked on the Xbox.com site, but they only listed possible codes — and there were about 25 of them. I looked online to try and avoid going through every code, but I couldn’t find anything about the TXM1967. So there it is…
So far it is great. All the TV functions work. The only drawback so far is that I can’t hold down the volume button and have the volume continue to go down, I actually have to keep repressing the volume down/up to get the volume to keep changing. Not a huge deal though