
So when I made this new theme for my website, I knew that I wanted to incorporate flickr photos on site site instead of using the built in WordPress gallery. There is just so much that I love about Flickr, not to mention the photos are much safer there than they are on my webserver.

It was a happy coincidence that Chris Coyier did this video on CSS-Tricks shortly after I finished the theme. I absolutely love how this gallery looked and knew right away that I would model my plugin after it.

I’ve just submitted this to the WordPress plugin directory, so I’ll wait until that gets accepted to put up a download link. If, for some reason, they deny the request, I’ll put up a download link here. If you want to check it out before that, drop me a line and I’ll send it over to you.


It’s Snowing!

No, I know it’s not really snowing yet. Well, at least not in Madison. It is snowing on though. And we have Christmas lights. I’ve been holding off on this for as long as possible, but I broke down and enabled the “Let it Snow!” plugin and went and found a script to put some christmas lights on the site. Unfortunately, the javascript running the lights interferes with the jquery for the Portfolio carousel on the homepage, so I had to disable the lights there, but they’re on all the other pages and the snow works everywhere.

Also: The MacLampsX app is activated on my macbook to give a similar feel to the desktop.

Microsoft Browser

Here’s the browser Microsoft needs:

The first time your computer is on the internet, “Microsoft Browser” opens up with 3 tabs: Firefox, Chrome, Safari. Those are the only 3 websites that will work, and that is the only time that “Microsoft Browser” will ever work.

If you decide to forego installing a browser at that time, you lose. Don’t pass go, don’t collect $200, and don’t use the internet.

Resize Vimeo

The Resize Vimeo pluggin for WordPress does exactly what you would expect — it resizes Vimeo videos. I created this plugin, because I plan to start doing some more videos and I wanted any videos that I post on this site to look good. I really like how the Vimeo player looks, but the standard width only goes about half way across the content area they they’re in right now. I thought this looked really tacky, so I decided to experiment and see if it was possible to make the player bigger. Turns out that the player actually gets bigger very nicely.

This plugin gets the current dimensions of the video you post and increases them to a set width and increases the height accordingly, keeping the same width-height ratio as the original player.

We now have an admin menu that lets you choose the size of the video player
